Monday Made It - July 21

Monday, July 21, 2014

I am linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for her fabulous Monday Made It linky party. I have been busy this past week making some new items for my classroom. My summer goal was to get my classroom and materials organized so that this next year will at least start off organized. So my Made Its are all about organization!

My first Made it is a Pinterest inspired idea. There are pictures all over showing ways to use the large Sterilite clip top boxes. My main inspiration came from The Brown Bag Teacher and Sugar and Spice

 I love these boxes and cannot wait to get back into my room and fill them with goodies. The 5 purple labels indicate different literacy skills or strategies. These boxes will hold literacy games or task cards. I am hoping that this will make it easier for me to quickly find activities to use as a review after a skill is taught. The green labels relate to the major themes found in the fourth grade Next Gen. science standards. Our district purchased each teacher a set of nonfiction books from Scholastic that aligns with the Next Gen. standards. I wanted a way to keep the books together and make easy to find books for each of the standards. On each label I have the theme, such as Energy and Waves, and the correlating standards. My plan is to pull out the books that match each theme as I teach it.

My second Made It I am very excited about. Last year I used Tara's Take a Ticket, You've Earned It product and my students LOVED it! I am revamping how I will use it in my classroom this year and I think it will be even better. Come back tomorrow to learn more about how I am going to use this in my classroom!

My third Made It is actually an almost-Made It. I have been working on putting together my teaching binder for the upcoming school year. Last year I started out with one really large binder and ended the year with 4. I found that I liked having a few smaller binders. That way I only had to carry what I needed for a meeting or to complete work at home. Here is a sneak peak at what I have created. 

Check back later this week to see the final product!

What have you made this week?

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