Linky Party

Two for Tried It Tuesday

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Tuesdays have been my favorite day of the week this summer. I have gotten some great new resources that I am excited to try out this school year! I decided to share the love and link up with two of my most popular items.

The first product is a graphic organizer that I created last year during our narrative writing unit. My students struggled with developing a conflict so I had them think of a lesson that they learned. I shared about slamming my finger in the door when I was 5 or 6 and I explained that my lesson was make sure your fingers are not in the car door before closing it. Then I modeled how to build up to learning the lesson learned by focusing in on a small moment and using my senses to describe the scene for my readers. Students then chose a seed moment, created their lesson learned, and then filled out the graphic organizer. The resulting stories were fabulous! Unfortunately, I do not have any picture of their final products.

The second product is a conferring form that I used while meeting with students individually to discuss their narrative writing pieces. Down the side are a list of goals that directly relate to the writing Common Core Standards. Along the top you can add your students names. Then as you confer, you can record evidence of skills or strategies applied by students. This form helped me build strategy groups and mini-lessons for my writer's workshop time. It also allowed me to give immediate constructive feedback to my writers.

I am also linking up with Fourth Grade Flipper for the July Tried It Tuesday linky. 

My Tried It Tuesday is technology related. I am new to the blogging community. I have been reading and following quite a few blogs for the past three years and I have finally worked up the courage to try it myself. I have used bloglovin' as my reader for some time so I knew that I wanted to have a Follow Me button on my page. I think I have followed the directions correctly and I hope that you will  Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

Head back over to The Teaching Tribune to find some great deals and link up with Fourth Grade Flipper to share something that you've tried!

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