Linky Party

First Post .... Last Monday Meet Up!

Monday, July 07, 2014

For my first post I am linking up with The Teaching Tribune as part of the Summer Bloggin' series. What a fun way to introduce myself and get to know some great bloggers!

1. I absolutely love to read and always have. One of my earliest memories is sitting with my mom reading Good Morning, Muffin Mouse. She read me that book so often, that I had it memorized and could "read" it to anyone.

2. I really like my name, even though I graduated with at least 3 other girls with the same name. I would be happy with my middle name too - Elizabeth.

3. This was extremely scary for me as a new teacher! I was teaching fifth grade at the time and my student tried to catch a football while swinging. When he let go, he flipped over backwards and landed face first in the wood chips. It was very difficult to keep composed so that I didn't frighten him or the other 100 students on the playground who witnessed it happen!

4. Hermione Granger is my favorite female literary character. She has brains and is not afraid to use them. My husband got to go to to the Harry Potter Universal theme park a few years ago and brought me back Hermione's wand. I get to take it out once a year around Halloween when my school does Character Dress Up Day :)

5. I have a brother who is ten years older than me and a sister that is 7 years younger than me. Yes, that's right. There are 17 years between my brother and my sister. My mom's explanation for the wide spread: Built-in babysitter!

6. I absolutely love breakfast and I cannot function without eating in the morning! Usually it consists of something quick, like toast with Nutella or an english muffin with jelly. But when given the choice of something more substantial I love eggs and french toast. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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