Positive Thinking Thursday

Thursday, July 10, 2014

We had a workshop day for our building today and I was excited to get back into my room and do some planning with my fourth grade team. Things started off well but the afternoon was rocky. I came home feeling frustrated and grumpy. I was about to call my mom to vent about what happened when I thought of something she has said to me a million times: PMA - Positive Mental Attitude. Stay positive and things will turn around. Growing up when she would say this, I would get so annoyed. I am not usually a positive person - the glass is almost always half empty. But for some reason thinking about her motto this afternoon helped to calm my frustrations and turn my attitude around. With her motto in mind, I am ready to go back tomorrow and get some more work done!

Since this quote has had such an impact on me today, I want to share it with you. So I am linking up with Mrs. Laffin's Laughings and her:

Do you have a quote that helps you calm down and turn your attitude around?

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  1. Yes, I couldn't agree more! PMA makes all the difference. That's the reason I started Positive Thinking Thursday. Thanks for linking up & I hope to see you again!!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings
